Too Many Ideas, Not Enough Time

So, as I take a quick mental break from writing, I just wanted to let all my anxious readers know that the second book is coming along nicely. I am writing some really in depth character scenes, and some nights the writing does go slower than I would like it to. On the flip side, I have other days that I write much more than I thought I would be able to.

Through the process of writing though, the ideas have been swirling and cascading in my head. I already have ideas for the third book in the Tempie Rosenthal series, and for a completely new trilogy. I also have an idea for an additional book unrelated to those two series. I have been keeping a notebook handy to write down all these ideas when they pop into my head, so I do not forget.

All of this is very exciting and I only wish I had more hours in a day to write. I am sure everyone can relate to the feeling of not having enough hours in the day. Or, too much to do and too little time. That is how I feel right now. Too many ideas flowing through my mind, and not nearly enough time to write! It will all be written in time, just for the moment, my mind is going much faster than my fingers can type!

Thank you all for your support, it is inspiring and comforting at the end of the day.

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