Author Archives: TMB

January/February 2016 Book Reviews

Here is what you can expect to see in January/February 2016.  Novus (The Cresecren Chronicles, Book 1) by Crystal Marcos Synopsis Taken Straight From Amazon: Ideal for Hunger Games and Divergent fans, Crystal Marcos delivers Novus, a riveting novel set in a dystopian future of action-adventure, suspense, and romance. Intriguing characters and a gripping storyline…

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Review ‘Razor Sharp’ by J. A. Schneider

RAZOR SHARP by J.A. Schneider My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is book # 6 in the Raney and Levine Series. Thus far I have been completely impressed in Schneider’s creative, thought-provoking stories. Schneider has a detailed understanding of the inner workings of the medical and detective world. Often times, once you get this…

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