Fuck Life by Amidu Omar Njiemoun
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Fuck Life was a great read from a genre that I don’t typically read. I really like how the author switched back and forth from Sara to Adam. Normally, that might drive me nuts, but I felt that doing this really benefited the story and allowed me to see not only inside Adam and his thoughts but Sara’s as well.
I felt that the characters all had a great deal of depth and each with their own thought provoking tale. The correlation between characters was great and a couple of the twists took me completely by surprise!
I really enjoyed the humor in the book and the authors ability to put difficult scenarios out there. I definitely felt some frustration towards Sara’s character and then some heartbreak.
I am interested in what happened in the end. I would like to see a little bit more details about that…but then maybe the end is just leaving it open to do some more expanding later on down the road.
Overall, I thought this was a great book. I wouldn’t recommend it for those faint of heart though.
Purchase ‘Fuck Life’ HERE!
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