Embryo 2: Crosshairs by J.A. Schneider My rating: 5 of 5 stars After being hooked on the first ‘Embryo’ I had to read the second. I wanted to see where David and Jill’s relationship went and what new adventures they may find themselves in. Needless to say, J.A. Schneider did not let us down! After…
Review of ‘Red Dahlia’ by Ross Simon
Red Dahlia by Ross Simon My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book has an amazing concept and I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline! The book started off a bit slow but it definitely made up for it in the end! I did get slightly hung up with a few of the abbreviations and terms (more…
Review of ‘Gated’ by Matt Drabble
Gated by Matt Drabble My rating: 5 of 5 stars As soon as I read this first few pages, I had to know what happened! The author introduces you to a young couple living in the UK, Emily and Michael. They were struggling in their tiny apartment and had settled into a depressive state due…
Review of ‘Until the End (Quarantined #1)’ by Tracey Ward
Until the End by Tracey Ward My rating: 5 of 5 stars Again this author does it with a different and unique spin to the zombie apocalypse. First we meet Alissa and learn about her painful memories and then, the world ends. Alissa is certain that she is seeing things as she is being attacked…
Review of ‘Bioprints’ by RC Carter and JP Carter
Bioprints by R.C.Carter My rating: 5 of 5 stars Once i started this book, I couldn’t put it down. We start off following Ryan who has opened his own insurance fraud investigation business in Chicago after the advice of his very successful long time friend. Immediately the authors draws you into a storyline that is…