Swarm – A Zombie Thriller by Alex South
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am a huge zombie fan and this was a good zombie apocalypse book. I enjoyed the beginning and how essentially three strangers became trapped with each other and once they realized their resources were depleting, decided they had to move on.
In most zombie novels, it involves a group of people moving from one location to another trying to find more supplies and safety. This novel did not disappoint. This is the fast paced action that gets your blood pumping as the fight scenes unfold before you and you never know who will die and who will make it to the next checkpoint alive.
A couple of unique things about this book in particular is after John and his trio meet up with another gang of people, they do not take in any other survivors, although they discuss it on a few occasions. Second, is the in-depth thoughts of John. I really liked this as it portrayed many of the things some of us would probably be thinking about at certain moments. Such as, ‘I wonder what the zombies feel or think’ etc.
The characters were enjoyable and well defined. I loved the uniqueness of the group that was banded together at the end of the world. Yes, this story is not based in the US and there is some different terminology, but that just adds all the more uniqueness and intrigue to the story line.
This book kept me turning the page, it was fast paced and did not disappoint! Can’t wait to see what happens in the second one!
Purchase Swarm HERE!
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